Friday 5 March 2010

Plot/Idea 4

  • A corrupted child (aged 7) with an unloving childhood.
  • Flashbacks show incidents that happend in the past of his troubled life.
  • Throughtout his childhood the man has been controlled by paranormal beings. (Possesed)
  • As a result of this, the individual is taken away to mental hospital after abnormal behavior is detected by neighbours and passers by on regular occasions.
  • 10 years later (aged 17), the individual is released from the mental hospital as he has been seen as sane to leave after many tests by doctors are performed.
  • However, this is the plan of the individual as it is all an act.
  • He begins possesing the minds of strangers and passers by for his own entertainment.
  • The insance character then finally begins to go back to his family home (they are unaware of his release from mental hospital), and begin tormenting their lives as sort of revenge of his awful childhood.
  • Many family members turn against each other as their minds are possessed.

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