Friday 5 March 2010

Main Idea for Opening Sequence

Our main idea for the final continuity piece is as follows.


The outline of Mind Control is about teenager by the name of Leroy who has a weird and somewhat insane personality. He is obsessed with murders and other devastating crimes which are published in the tabloids. If you go into his bedroom you will find articles scattered everywhere on the floor and walls of his dark and depressing room. Almost everyday he is subjected to take a knife from the kitchen draw to make him feel safe and powerful.

What the audience finds out after a short time through the film is that Leroy's uncle was a psycho murderer and was repeatedly in jail throughout his life. Three years ago, Leroy witnessed his uncle's suicide and his uncle said these words to him, "I will be with you always". When the uncle pulled the trigger of the gun which was placed on his temple, Leroy fainted and collapsed breaking his arm. Police arrive at the house where they find Leroy on the floor unconcious..later he is revived. He begins to tell the doctors and police about how his uncle died however, they ask him, "What on earth are you talking about?" and they believe that his still suffering from his fall. The policeman explains that there were no other bodies in the room except for Leroy. Leroy is left shocked and confused and begins to wonder if what he saw was true.

Later in the film, we see Leroy getting a taste for murder as he collects newspaper articles and dangerous weapons which could be used.

Finally, Leroy is unable to fight his taste for blood and murder an he begins

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