Friday 5 March 2010

Plot/Idea 2

Idea 2

Opening scene:

*Walking down the corridors in the college with someone following character B.

*Character B goes home and recieves anonomous phonecall from character A.

*Phonecalls become disturbing and violet, which shakens character B and starts panicking.

*Character B Begins to lock the windows and doors suddenly at a rush and panick. You hear the heart beat and how the tense the scene is. Getting very dark and misery.

*Then a Knock on the window with blood covered with it like someone got stabbed and need character B's help.*Character B looks out of the window after opening the curtains

*At the end of the scene character B sees a man standing there staring at the house with a cut of head in his left-hand and a kitchen-knife on the other.

*Then suddenly the heart beats become faster... then slows down but however charaater B wakes up from a terrible nightmare, however seeing his hand covered in blood he starts panicking and screams.

Plot of the whole story:

*Normal Day at college finishing very late due to detention

*Going through the corridors at a fast pace due to the darkness.

*Getting scared*Alone in the college getting spooked. Teacher goes away for a long time.

*Goes to find the teacher sees the teacher having some kind of fit on the floor.

*Character B tries to save the teacher, but the teacher dies.

*Trapped in the college.

*No signal on the fone. Phones switches off and don't turn on

*Teacher becomes possessed with evil spirits

*Character B goes to find the teacher but however the teacher is not there but vanished.

*Character B tries to get out of the college and tries everything but thinks its another nightmare...

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