Friday 5 March 2010

Plot/Idea 3

Opening scene:

*Guy enters gym for a work-out after finishing college or something

*Guy is mid-way through work-out in gym then he recieves a anonomous fone call

*He gets a phonecall from a mysterious person

*Conversation continues dramatically until up to a point where guy enters a phase, the guy is creeped out/vulnerable. Before he was + composed.

*Suddenly from the bloom the treadmill turns off.

*The guy gets scared.

*Lights starts flickering.

*Guy walks over to the window to look.

*(HAVE A MEDIUM LONG SHOT) of what he sees outside the window.

*Film whats outside from the window.

*Sees a person appearing outside the window

*Then suddenly look back and looks back at the window by opeing his eyes then no one is there.

*Turns around slowly and someone grabs him and takes a picture on his fone and the person falls on the floor with a picture on the phone

*something has really gone wrong now...

Plot of whole story

*Detective comes to the murder scene and take the phone as evidence. There is something mysterious of phone calls and pictures in the film.

*The film follows the dectectives trying to find the killer or mysterious person in the photo the killer leaves behind after a phone call threat.

*However, the killer suspects that detectives are following him and kills their family members as a warning to the detectives to stop following him.

Plot/Idea 4

  • A corrupted child (aged 7) with an unloving childhood.
  • Flashbacks show incidents that happend in the past of his troubled life.
  • Throughtout his childhood the man has been controlled by paranormal beings. (Possesed)
  • As a result of this, the individual is taken away to mental hospital after abnormal behavior is detected by neighbours and passers by on regular occasions.
  • 10 years later (aged 17), the individual is released from the mental hospital as he has been seen as sane to leave after many tests by doctors are performed.
  • However, this is the plan of the individual as it is all an act.
  • He begins possesing the minds of strangers and passers by for his own entertainment.
  • The insance character then finally begins to go back to his family home (they are unaware of his release from mental hospital), and begin tormenting their lives as sort of revenge of his awful childhood.
  • Many family members turn against each other as their minds are possessed.

Plot/Idea 2

Idea 2

Opening scene:

*Walking down the corridors in the college with someone following character B.

*Character B goes home and recieves anonomous phonecall from character A.

*Phonecalls become disturbing and violet, which shakens character B and starts panicking.

*Character B Begins to lock the windows and doors suddenly at a rush and panick. You hear the heart beat and how the tense the scene is. Getting very dark and misery.

*Then a Knock on the window with blood covered with it like someone got stabbed and need character B's help.*Character B looks out of the window after opening the curtains

*At the end of the scene character B sees a man standing there staring at the house with a cut of head in his left-hand and a kitchen-knife on the other.

*Then suddenly the heart beats become faster... then slows down but however charaater B wakes up from a terrible nightmare, however seeing his hand covered in blood he starts panicking and screams.

Plot of the whole story:

*Normal Day at college finishing very late due to detention

*Going through the corridors at a fast pace due to the darkness.

*Getting scared*Alone in the college getting spooked. Teacher goes away for a long time.

*Goes to find the teacher sees the teacher having some kind of fit on the floor.

*Character B tries to save the teacher, but the teacher dies.

*Trapped in the college.

*No signal on the fone. Phones switches off and don't turn on

*Teacher becomes possessed with evil spirits

*Character B goes to find the teacher but however the teacher is not there but vanished.

*Character B tries to get out of the college and tries everything but thinks its another nightmare...

Main Idea for Opening Sequence

Our main idea for the final continuity piece is as follows.


The outline of Mind Control is about teenager by the name of Leroy who has a weird and somewhat insane personality. He is obsessed with murders and other devastating crimes which are published in the tabloids. If you go into his bedroom you will find articles scattered everywhere on the floor and walls of his dark and depressing room. Almost everyday he is subjected to take a knife from the kitchen draw to make him feel safe and powerful.

What the audience finds out after a short time through the film is that Leroy's uncle was a psycho murderer and was repeatedly in jail throughout his life. Three years ago, Leroy witnessed his uncle's suicide and his uncle said these words to him, "I will be with you always". When the uncle pulled the trigger of the gun which was placed on his temple, Leroy fainted and collapsed breaking his arm. Police arrive at the house where they find Leroy on the floor unconcious..later he is revived. He begins to tell the doctors and police about how his uncle died however, they ask him, "What on earth are you talking about?" and they believe that his still suffering from his fall. The policeman explains that there were no other bodies in the room except for Leroy. Leroy is left shocked and confused and begins to wonder if what he saw was true.

Later in the film, we see Leroy getting a taste for murder as he collects newspaper articles and dangerous weapons which could be used.

Finally, Leroy is unable to fight his taste for blood and murder an he begins

Storyboard for Continuity Piece

The production of our group's opening sequence surpassed my expectations to how it would be delivered through fluency and content. The group had to film the entire scene without the benefit of a tripod which surprisingly enabled steady progress on producing the different types of camera shots, from close-up to medium close-up, that we decided to use. I felt that the use of a tripod would have prolonged the delays to deliver the scenes because the equipment was not entirely reliable to use and that we had the fear that it was prone to jamming which would be an unwelcome addition to the production. With the camera being hand-held we felt that a sense of uneasiness is easily created as the perspective is being drawn from behind the character.

At times there have been minor disagreements over when to deliver which type of camera shots, but overall I felt the progress we made as a group over the course of the continuity project fared well with the amount of time that was given to meet the deadline.

To improve the performances in the future, our group must amend for the mistakes that we had initially been unaware of making and ensure they are to be not to be repeated. It would be recommendable that practice comes first before filming a camera shot or scene for the final time so this enables the group members to acknowledge what they are doing in their roles in the process and this avoids any further interferences, such as deciding which type of camera shot to use or deciding to place one scene before or after the other.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Questionnaire Summary

This summary is based on a "Target Audience Questionnaire" which was given out to students of Birmingham Metropolitain College. Twenty five students filled out the questionnaire and here below is a short report explaining our findings.

According to the questionnaire, from the people asked they likely visit the cinema 0-5 times a month, with one person attending the cinema 6-8 times a month.

When asked "What attracts you to watch the horror genre?" typical answers were that they enjoyed the feeling of suspense and fear that horror movies created. A number of questionnaires said that people look for a good review of a horror before paying to see it in the cinema. A small minority of participants gave the answer nothing and they only watch horror films with friends. This is understandable as many individuals are to frightend to watch a horror movie on their own. As well as this, two of our questionnaire takers highlighted that will not watch a horror film if the actors in it are not well known or are highly rated which is a shame as many horror films have less known and low budget actors to enhance the realism of fear that the director creates.

When asked "What makes you not want to watch a horror movie?" many replies gathered were that some of the films in this genre are too grusome and gory to watch. One participant elaborated that the 'Saw' series is too much for them to watch as the film mainly uses gore and blood to scare the viewer. As well as this, some answers replied that if the film is rated at a 15 age, then shorly the film cannot be that scary. This is a fair and intresting point which our group totally agree with as we would be put off if a horror film wasn't rated an 18. On the other hand, these 15 rated films give younger horror genre fans a chance to watch a scary movie.

When asked "What typical conventions to you exspect to see in a horror film?" a great deal of answers resulted in people saying things like, blood, ghosts, spirits, violence and killing to name a few. Nevertheless, one intelligent individual replied with, "A blonde american teen girl." From this reply, we can tell that this person is a keen horror genre fan and understands that american horror films play on this 'teenage blonde girl' which is typical and main convention is american made horror films.

When asked, "What is your favourite film in this genre?", there were range of answers from 'Final Destination' as it was gory and 'Chucky' as it is both funny and scary. However, the most popular reply to this question was 'Halloween' as according to one participant..."Everything about it was scary."

According to the questionnaire, films such as Saw and Final Destination were not very popular films to watch. Some people said that Saw is overated and is way too much for the stomach to handle due to the amount of goriness displayed in the film. As well as this, films including Final Destination and The Grudge (American Remake) were not scary at all and even made the audience laugh due to poor attempts to make the viewers scared.

When asked, "Who is your favourite actor/actress in a horror movie?" the majority voted for Kurt Russell as his role in 'The Thing' impressed a lot of people. As well as this, a great deal of people enjoyed Jack Nicolsons acting abilities in 'The Shining'.

Based on where people watch horror films, they mainly like to watch horror films in the cinema or on dvd. One person, said that he liked watching them online as it was free. However, cinema was the most popular as the all the effects are much better on a big screen with great sound.

To conclude, the majority of people who took the questionnaire like to watch 18 rated horror movies as they are the most gorey and scary to watch.